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September 20-22, 2024:  A View From the Bluff, Mountains and Plains Regional tour and Regional meeting was held in Scottsbluff NE.

We had a 10-car caravan from Windsor CO to Scottsbluff NE

Keith and Eileen Carpenter are quickly becoming good friends with Sharon Bowman as they are talking about each others vintage cars. 

This 1959 Imperial car belongs to Nicholas & Sharon Bowman

September 22nd, Saturday tour events; started with driver's meeting in front of Hampden Inn in Scottsbluff NE.

Great vintage cars, Left to Right:  Bob Clifton's 1932 Buick Coupe and Scott & Cindy Bullis from Colorado Springs brought their 1929 Hudson Super Six.

Left to Right:  Lloyd & Shirley's 1966 Ford Fairlane 500 Convertible on the Left side and Jim & Judy's 1981 Lincoln Continental Mark VI and Weldon & Dee's 1966 Pontiac Ventura

Keith and Eileen's 1994 Benzillac 320SK


Tom Cozad wanted to give part of his collection to our youngest tour participants; he told the girls that he is helping them to start their first collection. It was great to have these kids come on our tour.

Al Perry & Pat Snook's 58 Ford Fairlane Retractable

Tom Cozad has many vintage cars on his first floor of the garage; on the second floor, he has a collection of Coca Cola items, a 1950's movie theater and other collectables.

Bob and Lois Beer's 1967 Chevy Truck parked near Tom Cozad's Standard Gas Station from the 1950's.

Here is Greg Bruny greeting all of us as we arrive at Tom Cozad's Ford Garage

Eileen Carpenter likes this car; she was also elected to be Mountains and Plains Regional Secretary; Congrats Eileen!

Tom Cozad's favorite cars were 1955 & 1956 Ford cars as you can see here.

.Burma Shave's signs in Tom Cozad's Ford Garage

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