Rick and Kathy Haskell love cars.
Rick said he enjoyed all aspects of the auto restorations he did on his unique vehicles.

Rick Haskell writes,
"I was born in Arnold NE in the doctor's home. There was no hospital and I was raised with my sister and 2 brothers. Our father died when I was four years old. Our mother later married another cowboy. My first hobby was whittling when I was 12 years old.
After high school, I went to Nebraska State Trade School where I studied auto mechanics. I worked mostly at a Chevrolet Company. While working there, I acquired five Model "A"'s, one 56 Chevy, one 57 Ford and one 57 Pontiac. ​​
Before joining the Navy, I sold all of the cars, except the Pontiac, which I gave to my parents To this day, I still have not gotten paid for the 56 Chevy. While in the Navy, I bought the seventh Corvette ever built. While overseas, the car was stolen and never returned. I settled in Colorado after the Navy and was employed by IBM for 29 years. ​​​

These are a few of our favorite cars that gave us fun memories for both of us. ​​

If you want to know the real truth of the fun that Rick had with his Amphicar at the Lonetree Reservoir, ask Kathy about that memorable day.

Here a few pictures of our place in Campion where we lived for 25 years on a 1 acre city lot with a barn and two more buildings that stored our cars. Colorado Car clubs and out of state car clubs would call us and set up times to come see our collection. It was fun and we met a lot of great people.​

In 1993, I was lucky to meet the love of my life, Kathy. She has been a great support for me.

Kathy and I have been members of the VMCCA for 29 years. Over that span, I have been President several times and Vice President too.

Over the years, I have owned 147 cars and a bunch of motorcycles. I decided that the family needed to wear a t-shirt that had a few of my 147 car collection.

We have down sized and sold our cars. All were special to us. Our 35 Morgan sold to a movie producer in Hong Kong China, 53 Singer went to Southern California, 61 Amphicar went to Idaho, 47 Ford to Copenhagen Denmark, 56 Chevy convertible to a museum in Texas.

Not only do I enjoy my art projects of doing wood burning, wood carving, wood turning, Intarsa and scrool saw, I also enjoy teaching art classes at Affinity Living in Loveland CO.

Rick had this car for about 25 years; he carved the body of the car with cherry wood; wheels are bass wood with cottonwood stars for hubcaps.

Several years ago, I challenged myself to carving one of the smallest, if not the smallest wooden chain in the world. It is carved from a Q tip. I made the knife to do the job.
Rick says, "I carved away everything I did not want".​
Rick whittled these 3 bass wood pliers; all from one piece of bass wood.

All of these pieces are made from the trees on their place; cottonwood, cherry, walnut and cedar.

This little wood spirit is whittled from one piece of driftwood. The intricacy of his talent is amazing when you zoom in.

This piece of bass wood was used to make the size of his great niece that was born premature.

Wood burning, Rick started this art about 6 years ago.

This Cowboy was whittled with the art of Intarsa; Rick added 46 pieces of wood to make this cowboy; the wood he used was Walnut, Maple, cherry and cottonwood.

Wood burning of the the cowboy giving his horse a drink.